Monday, April 4, 2022

The Center, the Sphere, the Bowl of Time

Yost’s source for this image is probably a gatehouse mask made by the Buliopenbex Cabal. This is a mask of the Jackalopian god Ekchuajumudabrutu, in their first manifestation as a monstrous child of Tiamat. In this incarnation, they are generally regarded as a god of fury, a raging force of nature, but to me, they seem like this huge infant ball of fuzzy chaos that expresses their pains, delights, sorrows and excitements as massive squalling thunderstorms.

The Quiddity of the Watknot Ocarina

It is often misspelled as “Whatnot” or...

A Conversation with a Troll

The space in today’s panel is totally occupied by Yost’s design for the cover of the Last Grimoire of Fayette Grathnachtwum, which functions in the GLP universe as both a MacGuffin and a Necronomicon.

Some Kind of Transmundane Trajectory

There is a note on the back of the artwork for today’s GLP comic: