Showing posts with label Grotrolem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grotrolem. Show all posts

Friday, November 9, 2018

A Grotrolem Decomposition of an Anise Seed

Named after Georgy Gustav Grotrolem, geometrist, born 1790, died sometime after 1868. On January 28, 1898, a body identified as Grotrolem’s was found in the attic of a house on Rue Espariat in Aix-en-Provence. His major work was published in Gesammelte Werke im Volumenschattengraphik, 1863.

Today’s GLP panel is one of the many misprints from Newark’s Star-Ledger preferred by Yost over the error-free reproductions. He liked this one so well that he apparently destroyed his original artwork, and we only have this image in the collection of GLP slides gifted to us by Yost’s assistant, Ha Kim Ngoc.

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