I worked the last of my extra holiday hours and I was too tired to post a GLP cartoon on Tuesday, but it's 4 am on Wednesday here, so that's almost Tuesday. Today's yellow wallpaper cartoons, and
last Sunday's, and this coming Thursday's, were never seen in the newspapers that published
Geranium Lake Properties. They first appeared on Ha Kim Ngoc's website, the late lamented
GLP Compendium, which shut down in 2004 under threat of legal action from Sindacato Nuovo Secolo Media, SNSM, popularly known as Snism. More recently, they were published in
Beyond the Yellow Wallpaper, a limited edition book of which five copies were sold before sales were stopped by a lawsuit.
After Yost's disappearance, his assistant Ha Kim Ngoc found a dozen folders of unpublished cartoons. Most of these, nearly 200 drawings, were Yost's attempts to illustrate "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The folders were numbered, and we are finishing off this year, and starting the next, with six cartoons from folder number four.