Showing posts with label magnets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label magnets. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Stele of 14-Shull Min, from Izabal, Guatemala

When melissadawn showed me these N52 magnets I started digging through my image files, looking for this particular GLP comic. Her image had reminded me of a note from Ha Kim Ngoc, Yost's assistant and occasional collaborator, about a puzzling inscription. "Drawn by magnets" had been written by Yost in pencil, in one of his most easily recognized forms of handwriting, on the back of the original drawing for this comic.

The original art for Geranium Lake Properties is in an inaccessible place, spirited away by the Italian media corporation that claims ownership of Yost's intellectual property, but I have a nearly complete set of images made from high quality transparencies of Yost's drawings. This incomparable resource was entrusted to me by Ha Kim Ngoc. Along with the image library, Ha Kim Ngoc gave me copies of her notes about the creative history and physical characteristics of the drawings.

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