Twelfth Night: I felt that I needed to wait until after sunset before I posted the Twelfth Night mask of Kordeyn Guhtellop, the Three Nights demalion. I also expected this would give me enough time to unravel...
Non Nostri Chaos Circulus: I have seen this Geranium Lake Properties comic identified many times as Mother Jackal in her guise as the Rescuer of Witches, so the first thing I want to say...
Dependent Arising: This is an image of Yost’s final version for the album cover* of The Empty Space, the second album from Chansons de Geste. Which was the side project of two members of...
Socrates Would Appreciate a Good Wurncheolf: Today is the holiday we call Dpajormymy, and here in this unpublished Geranium Lakes Properties comic we have Kordeyn Guhtellop, the Three Nights demalion, wearing a...
Living in a Black and White World: Digging through the mazy warren that is the Geranium Lake Properties archive, I have unearthed several files dedicated to GLP comics that appeared in various zines, amateur fanworks and...
The Height of Wit: We’ve had some funny moments on this blog in the past ten years. You may have missed them, my sense of humor can be subtle sometimes. Other times...
Harrow (Complete in 5 Pages): With this post I am continuing our journey through a black and white world, with an abstract comic I created to fulfill a request from Zeszyty Komiksawe...
It Pours: Two posts in the same day! I have been saving these coloring pages for a rainy day activity, and right now I am waiting for...
Springing Along: The equinox came and went a few days ago, but spring had been springing along for at least a month before that. We had a mild, wet winter, so...
Holy Fool: After six years of constancy, the roster of players in the band Immanis et Inanis changed several times between 1985 and 1994, when they finally broke apart and declared that the band was entering into...