Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Dirtbone fragments from an entirely new species of grass

Top is the misprint from Montevideo, Uruguay, from the newspaper El País, February 9, 1995. This is one of the misprints Yost preferred over his original work.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Other Etiquettes

Four years ago, I started posting pages for my asemic graphic novel Esgr Navigator on Tumblr. This novel of 229 pages has only appeared online, which is how I originally intended for it to exist, but a couple of months ago I started to explore what it would take to print it on paper. Before I got very far in the process, I decided to edit out a few pages that made me wince. Then I started to re-write, chopping up or aggregating pages, or combining them with new details. Then I started to add words into spaces that seem to beg for text. Then I had to stop and give the project a new title, Zomynesgr Avigatorsin, because it was becoming something else.

You can view another page from the project here.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Myxomycetous Humor

This one's for the slime molds. If you are a certain type of Mycetozoan, this is hilarious.

(Tired of cute kittens? Click here for lots of really cute slime mold images.)

Asemic comics are published here two or three times a week, mostly on Tuesday and Friday. The schedule might vary by a day or two sometimes, depending on what's going on in my life, but if you check in on Tuesday and Friday, you can be 99% sure you will see something new.

Ishar Ubak, or the Mystery of the Red Envelope

"In 1992, from May 11th to September 7th, Wm. Yost produced twenty-one panels depicting the Hila Station Map. What [the station] is exactly has never been explained, or where it is, what country, what planet, but I think of Zoo Station, and Bratsk Station, and the Paris Metro, the London Underground, the New York Subway, places as mythical as the canals of Mars."

Hila Station, Revisited

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


To me, this gif is reminiscent of the movie, Yellow Submarine, but the inspiration was Prince rather than the Beatles. When I was working on one of the frames (in black-and-white), Prince leaned over my shoulder and whispered, “Make it purple.” Not really, not as a ghost or some other psychic presence. In one sense, I know Prince is really gone, but in another sense, in a very real way (there is more than one reality), I know he is still part of the universe. All the dead are, and always were, and will be. They can still communicate thoughts and ideas, when you open your mind to the universe.