Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Five Mistakes We Will Keep Making

A panel from the Valley of Gheionnim series. Reputedly, seven panels from the series exist, and Yost planned to make twelve in total, but I have only five transparencies in the collection I received from Ha Kim Ngoc.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The Tale of the Rust-Stained Jug

Six Tales from the Glorious Assemblage of Haberdashers is an imaginary book by Abby Ashier Chertsey. It was a once-cherished but mostly forgotten childhood classic for Wm. Yost, imaginary author of Geranium Lake Properties. Yost accidentally encountered Chertsey in 1995, in her garden on Bryher island, when he was on a tour of small British islands. Yost had stopped to admire a hillside of daffodils, and subsequently was rescued by the 103-year-old Chertsey from the affections of her mixed-breed wolfhound, a very large and exuberant puppy named Penarddun, called Penny, or Bad Penny.