Saturday, February 29, 2020

Larrikin Days

In the Jackalopian calendar, Larrikin Days are traditionally the fourth Tuesday of each month. On these days, jackalopes are encouraged to express their larrikins, their “true selves”. A jackalope will have at least one larrikin name, and most jackalopes have several names for different aspects of their true selves. Some of these may be secret identities, but most are shared with family, friends or the public. A nom de guerre or nom de plume would be a larrikin name.

This could be your name, no. 186.

Jack Loki’s Map to Gangaftagley

“Are you familiar with the phrase ‘best laid plans’? Jack asked.

"Yes, of course,” said the cartographer.

“Well, what I would like, really, is a map that would get me directly to Awry, without the fuss and bother of making all those plans.”


The Blessings of a Diamondback’s Bowstring Tongue


Saturday, September 14, 2019

On To Spica Go

© 2019 lcmt

Stars Collapse to Become Landscapes

On the back of the original artwork for this comic, Yost wrote in pencil: “Collapse between Zam and Atar in the tower at Balkh” and “early aviation”.

© 2019 lcmt

Three Square Assurances from the World-Sharers

From 1985 comes one of my fave GLP misprints made by Newark’s Star-Ledger. Bottom image is the correct version of “Three Square Assurances from the World-Sharers”. If you’ve been paying attention, you know which of the two was Yost’s favorite.

© 2019 lcmt

Kaldi’s Apocryphal Green

© 2018 lcmt

Nepheline, Dolomite, Bone and Ashes of Sawtooth Oak

© 2019 lcmt

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The View from the Mithymnautica Portico

Another part of the Corsican screen.

© 2018 lcmt

Sympathy Indeed Was Not Wanting

© 2018 lcmt

A Plain Gallop Overstride Onto A Cramped Anti-Djinn Jamboree

Two-thirds of the newspapers that originally printed this Geranium Lake Properties panel in 1987 used the word “Overstrike” instead of “Overstride” in the caption. Looking at a Xerox copy of the handwritten note that accompanied the artwork, I can’t really tell if the letter in question is a “d” or a “k”.

We sometimes refer to the captions for GLP comics as titles, but the correct term is caption.

© 2018 lcmt

Friday, November 9, 2018

A Grotrolem Decomposition of an Anise Seed

Named after Georgy Gustav Grotrolem, geometrist, born 1790, died sometime after 1868. On January 28, 1898, a body identified as Grotrolem’s was found in the attic of a house on Rue Espariat in Aix-en-Provence. His major work was published in Gesammelte Werke im Volumenschattengraphik, 1863.

Today’s GLP panel is one of the many misprints from Newark’s Star-Ledger preferred by Yost over the error-free reproductions. He liked this one so well that he apparently destroyed his original artwork, and we only have this image in the collection of GLP slides gifted to us by Yost’s assistant, Ha Kim Ngoc.

© 2018 lcmt